When I am in a debate
with those on the right
who want to
Deny, Delay and Do Nothing
about Global Climate Change
When they spew
“There is no proof…”
“All scientists don’t agree..”
“I don’t believe mankind can have any impact on the Climate”
“Climate Change is a Natural Process”
or other misleading talking points
I give them this quote:
"Even if there's just a one percent chance
of the unimaginable coming due,
act as if it is a certainty.
It's not about analysis,
it’s about our response.
Justified or not,
fact-based or not,
our response is what matters."
For most, they react
That’s a stupid reason
How Idiotic to take unjustified actions
and waste our money
based on contrived evidence
without facts to support the necessity
I merely reply
If that reason was good enough for VP Cheney
to justify sinking billions of dollars
and the lives of thousands of American Troops
into the black hole of Iraq,
to preserve, protect and defend His homeland
Then it should be good enough
to justify actions that will
Protect and
Our Home Planet.