Friday, March 13, 2009

Stem Cell Hypocrisy

Most Republicans are not opposed to Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research (HESCR). The Bush Administration was not opposed to Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research.

If Republicans were opposed Stem Cell Research on moral grounds then they would have passed a comprehensive research ban while they controlled congress. If Bush believed HESCR was immoral, he would have signed an executive order to stop ALL research. They didn’t; George didn’t.

When George Bush vetoed the “Stem Cell Research and Enhancement Act of 2007”, then White House press Secretary Tony Snow said: “There is nothing that makes embryonic stem cell research illegal; it simply says that the federal government will not finance it. As you know, there are ongoing efforts in some states, including, I think, California and Massachusetts, to use state money for it, and I daresay if people think that there's a market for it, they're going to support it handsomely.”

He was then asked: “Has the White House received much reaction to the stem cell veto? And do you see a day when the President would believe that embryonic stem cell research, which is private, becomes illegal?” His response: “The answer to the second is, no…”

He later continued, apparently describing Bush’s position, “He did not think it would be appropriate for the federal government to engage in something morally controversial, but he would not outlaw it, and in fact, would permit private investment, which is going on in some places.”

As he was wrapping up the briefing, he recommended that everyone should invest in biotech stocks.

Republicans don’t oppose HESCR; they oppose PUBLIC FUNDING of Zygotic Stem Cell Research.

Ask yourself “Why do they oppose Public Funding?”

Do they oppose Public Funding of HESCR because they have a MORAL objection to HESCR? Well, they can keep the Religious Right flock in the fold by their bombastic remarks and pandering is worth only a few votes every two years.

The true reason They oppose public funding of HESCR is to pander to Big Phama…Surprised?
Any and all cures and treatments resulting from government funded research would become PUBLIC DOMAIN; cures and treatments resulting from private research will be PROPRIETARY.

A public domain treatment to cure diabetes might cost a few of hundred dollars. A proprietary cure would be worth more money than the bank bail out, the stimulus package and all the Halliburton no-bid contracts combined. Everybody benefits from the former; only Big Phama benefits from the latter.

If the right truly believes that HESCR is immoral and the reason the Bush administration vetoed the S.5 “Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007 was ”so that Americans would not be compelled to support an immoral activity with their tax dollars”, then it would follow that these same moral Americans would object to supporting Stem Cell research with ANY of their money.

Those who buy everything from Allegra to Zyrtec, from Oxycontin to Viagra, provide economic support to HESCR. If Republicans and the religious right are so morally opposed to it, then why don’t they boycott the products produced by Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Abbot, Eli Lily etc. since a portion of that money goes to HESCR.

And what about stock ownership. Do Dobson, Robertson, Brownback, Kyl, McCain, Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Hannity, Beck and their ilk own stock in firms that are engaged in HSER. Has the Focus on the Family, The Family Research Council, the Catholic Church, Southern Baptist Convention used their voting shares to force these firms discontinue the immoral practice. Have they divested themselves of such stock?

To all those who rail against HSER and preach it to be immoral: Check your 401K and portfolio. If you have any of your money invested in these companies then you have a moral obligation to divest yourself of those holdings.

Oh, and stop popping that little blue pill.

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