Friday, July 24, 2009

An Open Challenge to Birthers Everywhere…

I was born in Pennsylvania in the mid 50’s and my family moved to San Antonio when I was 10.

During the mid and late 1980’s, after the S&L fiasco, I had to follow work around the country and lived in three different States over 8 Years.

In 1993, I moved back to Texas. When I received my Texas driver’s license, I noticed they had my date of birth wrong. There was a typo in the Day of the Month.

I contacted the Department of Public Safety and they told me that they had processed my information exactly as shown on the license I had surrendered. Apparently, one of the previous states had made an error that I never caught.

DPS required that I submit certified proof of my birth date.

So, I contacted the Pennsylvania Department Health/Vital Records.

Did they send me a copy of my original Birth Certificate? NO.

Pennsylvania sent me a certificate that stated, "A certificate of live birth is on file…” it contained all the pertinent information but it was not a copy of my original birth certificate.

The State of Texas accepted that document and corrected my drivers License.

I challenge every "birther" to contact their state of birth for a birth certificate and tell me what they get in return.

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