Wednesday, June 8, 2016

It's About US, Not Just Bernie

It is not ‘game over’. Bernie’s bid to become the Democratic nominee may have fallen short, but the Revolution continues. For me this is not been just about Bernie.  I am not part of a Bernie Cult.  I supported Bernie, not because of Him but because of his platform; a progressive ideology that I have held since 1972; long before I heard of Bernie Sanders from Vermont in 2004.  Last April he became the standard bearer, the figurehead, the icon for what I believe in. Unconditional surrender is not option.

Hillary and the DNC need to earn my vote and I’m waiting to see their offer.  Between now and the convention they will be negotiating with Bernie. I trust he will negotiate terms that will best advance the Revolution.  I’m sure he knows what he wants and what at what point he is willing to compromise.

For me, I know what I’m looking for.

Platform: I Would prefer 100% Bernie’s Platform. There are some planks I will accept compromise and others not.

               Single Payer – Not negotiable, but some leeway on phasing implementation such as initially including a Public Option in the exchanges.

               Stop TPP/Trade Deals – not negotiable. All trade deals must be Fair Trade, not Free Trade and definitely not the creation of Corporate Statehood.

               Minimum Wage – $12/hour if and only if Employer pays health care (will make Public Option attractive to businesses) and includes a built in bi-annual increase to an inflation adjusted $15 within 8 years.

               Environment –  Fracking Ends. Period. Creation of a program on the scale and commitment as the Manhattan Project’ and ‘Apollo Project’ combat Climate Change with a target of achieving or surpassing 350 goals by no later than 2030. (If it is not too late already.)

               Criminal Justice – For-Profit Prison System ends. Police forces are demilitarized and emphasis placed on neighborhood policing. Justice Department establishes a division solely for the Investigation and prosecution, as warranted, of excessive use of force. Cannabis is removed from Schedule 1 and reclassified similar to Tobacco and Alcohol.

               Public PreK-16 – This can be phased in over 8 years. Initially, two-year Junior College covered. Financed by speculation tax.  Money from this goes for tuition as well as direct funds to local Community College for infrastructure expansion and payroll subsidies.  State Colleges and Universities get initial grants for expansion to prepare.

               Existing College Debt – The Federal Reserve buys all college debt at face value and refinanced at the same interest the lend to banks. The minimum Annual Payment is limited to a maximum 10% of net taxable income payable a part of income tax filing.

               Banking – Banking Cartel must be broken up.  At the minimum, a fire wall established between Investment Banking and Commercial Banking. 

               As for most other issues, Hillary’s current position on those will be acceptable planks in the Democratic Party Platform.

DNC Reform: Debbie Wasserman-Schultz removed as Chair. This is not negotiable. Debbie must go. Return to the Obama Policy of no Lobbyist Money. Naming Tulsi Gabbard Chair would demonstrate a commitment to reform.

Elizabeth Warren is offered Senate Democratic Leader and if we all vote a Democratic ticket she will be Senate Majority Leader.

Vice-President: Bernie or not Bernie, that is the tough question I’ve been torn about. I have made very convincing arguments to myself for each path.  Right now I favor Bernie on the ticket, but only if the other conditions are met.  Bernie accepting the position will be a confirmation that the DNC has agreed to OUR terms.

I can envision an effective campaign where Bernie holds rally’s in large venues across the country. He features and promotes the local House, Senate, State Legislature and Gubernatorial Candidates. This is the only way we have any chance of removing obstructionist Republicans from all levels. Most importantly the State Races. The 2020 census and redistricting is not that far off.

If you are ‘Bernie or Bust’, ask yourself if you are you a true evolutionary.  Are you a disciple of Bernie’s message? If so, remember, ‘Not Me, US!”. If you are ‘Never Hillary’, I am with you but…

I live in Texas. Electoral Votes will go to the Republican barring a total melt down of the Republican Candidate and I don’t see a chance there. If Bernie is not on the ticket, my plan is to vote Green at the top and Democratic for all down-ballot races.  I will spend the send monthly reminders to those who won that my vote put them in office and I expect them to represent me. If you live in a solid red or blue state, I encourage you to do the same. If you live in a swing state, I beseech you take one for the New Revolution and keep the Republican Candidate out of the White House.

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